Laure Honsberger is a freelance costume designer currently based in Lausanne, Switzerland.
She acquired her first experiences when she started making cosplays (recreation of costumes of fictional characters) back in 2008. She would choose a character, research her costume, make a replica that she presented on stage in convention. Through each project she explored new materials and technics. Aiming to challenge herself, she chose models more complexe and rich in details, moving from video-games to films. Her self motivation, careful research, and strong attention to details allowed her to win a dozen awards in various competitions and to reach international competitions finals as swiss representative.
In 2012, considering costume professionally, she did a 7 months internship in a dressmaker studio in Geneva (Switzerland). Quick at learning, she there expanded fast her so far self-taught skills by learning professional technics of work, precision, and contact with clients, between others.
In September 2013, she entered Wimbledon College of Art, University of the Arts London, to study a Costume Design for stage and screen course. She completed her degree (Bachelor of Arts) in summer 2016, with the honour of winning the Ann Holloway Prize for best costume design.
After one more year in the United Kingdom, she moved back to Switzerland where she settled as a freelance costume designer in 2018. Over her years of experiences, Laure has been involved large scale production as well as minimal crew projects. She has worked on short, commercial and feature films, stage productions, and in the field of music (for a metal music band as well as a conductor).
Thanks to her education, background and interests, Laure is capable and comfortable to handle a large variety of projects, not to say she is always up for a new challenge. She pays very close attention to her clients project briefs and needs, so that she can contribute in the best way with her expertise.
A complete CV is available upon request.