Made in 2012, this costume was the start of a new chapter as it had for model an existing costume. It is a reproduction of one of the Queen Amidala’s costume from the film « Star Wars episode I the Phantom Menace » directed by George Lucas (1999)
Deep research leads to looking into to first inspirations for the costume such as Mongolian folk costumes, and also finding the make-up artist’s instruction sheet in order to use the same foundation and lip stick.
The front panels and the full collar are hand embroidered, and the lace on the headdress is crocheted to look as close as possible to the original.
The wig is stylized around a light aluminium structure, and form on single piece with the headdress.
The bottom pieces on the dress are PVC eggshells painted and attached to the dress. They are enlightened from the inside using LED lights.